with infrared side and rear burner
6 Dual Tube™ stainless steel rod burners 17.6 kW
Infrared side burner 3.1 kW
Spit roast burner 4.4 kW
2-piece stainless steel grid in the large cooking chamber, 2-piece. Flav-R-Cast matt enameled cast iron grids
Grill surface 64 x 48.5 cm and 30 x 48.5 cm
Stainless steel storage grids 62 x 21 cm and 26 x 21 cm
Stainless steel Flav-R-Wave™ vaporization system
Linear Flow™ gas nozzles with 180° Sensi-Touch™ control
Deluxe Accu-temp™ thermometer
Sure Lite™ electric ignition, also on spit roast burner
Double-walled stainless steel lid with cast aluminum side panels
Stainless steel lower housing with cast aluminum side panels
Stainless steel lid handles
Stainless steel control panel incl. Control knob lighting
Stainless steel side shelves with accessory hooks and front shelves
Cabinet base with gas cylinder integration for 11 kg gas cylinder
3 stainless steel doors with stainless steel handles
6 lockable castors, 3 of which are height-adjustable
Incl. rotisserie set and electric motor
Incl. handle lights
Incl. hose and pressure reducer
193 x 63 x 125 cm
64 x 48 cm + 31 x 48 cm
24.9 kW
145 kg
125 x 122 x 66 cm
Stainless steel
Broil King Deutschland GmbH Spinnerweg 51-54 D-53783 Eitorf E-Mail: Service@broilking.de
Roccbox Pizzaofen Olive
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